Our Core Beliefs

"Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all." -Ephesians 4:2-6

We believe the Old and New Testament to be the complete Word of God.
  • The Word is Inspired by God
  • The Word is Living and stands forever
  • The Word is Powerful  
  • The Word of Christ will never pass away
  • The Word Jesus speaks is spirit and life
  • The Word is a Light
  • The Word is the Judge
  • By God's Word we have creation
  • The Bible is the final authority 
  • 2 Timothy 3:16-17, 1 Peter 1:23-25, Hebrews 4:12-13, Matthew 24:35, John 6:63, Psalm 119:105, John 12:47-48, Genesis 1:3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 24, 26, Revelation 22:7,13,18-19
We believe in the one God and Father of the Scriptures.
  • He is Creator of all, Our Heavenly Father, holy, sovereign and eternal.
  • He is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,
  • The great "I AM" YHWH
  •  The LORD is like a compassionate father
  • When we pray, we pray to the Father
  • Those led by the Spirit of God are sons of the Father
  • We cry to Abba, Father. The Spiririt testifies with our spirit that we are God's children
  • Genesis 1:1, Matthew 6:9-13, Exodus 3:6, Deuteronomy 6:4-5, Psalm 103:13, Luke 11:1, Mark 12:29-30, Romans 8:14, Romans 8:15-16
  • Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life 
  • The Lord is the image of the invisable God, firstborn over all creation.
  • By him all things were created, both heaven and earth
  • All things hold together through him
  • He is head of the bdy, the Church
  • All the fullness of God dweels in him
  • He was with God in the beginning, He is the Word that became flesh and dwelled amoung humankind  
  • In His work of creation, born of a virgin, sinless life.
  • We Crucified both Lord and Christ  
  • In His Ressurection, God Raised Him from the Dead.  
  • He Commissions his followers to go make disciples, baptize them & teach them to obey.
  • John 14:6, Colossians 1:15-18, John 1:1-2,14, John 17:5, Acts 2:36, Acts 2:23-24, Matthew 28:18-20
We believe in the counsel and guidance of the Holy Spirit of which we must keep in step.
  • Jesus gives the Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, the Counselor
  • The Counselor was sent by Jesus Christ
  • The Spirit convicts the world of sin, of righteousness and of judgment 
  • Who regenerates, indwells, seals, sanctifies, illuminates and comforts those who are in Jesus Christ
  • We are renewed by the by the Holy Spirit
  • We are to be led by the Spirit
  • We are called to live by the Spirit
  • John 14:16-17, 26, John 16:7-11, Romans 8:9-11, Titus 3:4-6, 1 Corinthians 6:11, Galatians 5:17-18, Galatians 5:22-25
We believe in the hope that comes
  • We rejoice in the hope of the glory of God for all whom have gained access by faith through securely standing in his grace
  • We rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perserverance, perserverance, character and character hope.
  • Hope does not dissappoint us because God poured out his love into the hearts of those that would follow him by the Holy Spirit.
  • We have great reason to believe that there is sufficient evidence that Jesus lived and was indeed an historical figure. We believe the evidence of the Bible as an historicle document is overwhelming. This gives us great hope. 
  • We have a living hope through the ressurection of Jesus Christ from the dead. 
  • We have an heavenly inhertance that never perishes, spoils or fades and shielded by God until the coming of salvation that is ready to be revealed at the last time.
  • We are joyful in hope!
  • Romans 5:1-8, 1Peter 3:15-16, 1 Peter 1:3-5, 2 Thessalonians 2:16, Romans 12:12
We believe the Body of Christ is the Church 'Universal' with Jesus as the Head
  • The Body is a Unit, different parts, we all play different roles, the weaker parts we are to treat with special care. 
  • We are supporting ligaments
  • Jews and Gentiles alike are, co-heirs apart of the same body. 
  • We are all baptized into one body.
  • After the message of the gospel has been heard, believed in, what happens is unmistakable respentance followed by baptism for the forgiveness of sin, then a person is added to the body, the Church. 
  • The Body is devoted to the apostles teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and prayer
  • Jesus is the head of the body
  • 1 Corinthians 12:12-27, Ephesians 4-15-16, Ephesians 3:6, 1 Corinthians 12:13 , Acts 2:36-41, Acts 2:42-45, Colossians 1:18
  • Faith Comes from Hearing the Word of God
  • Our Faith is based on the fact that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah
  • The miraculous signs written in the Gospel are so that we may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God
  • Faith pleases God, faith ackowledges that He exists. It is impossible to please God without faith.
  • Our Faith is a faith that called Noah to act, he obeyed and built an ark as God had commanded.
  • Our Faith is a faith that called Abraham to leave his country and his people and go to the land he would show him. God told Abraham that he would make him into a great nation and that he would bless him, and that all peoples on earth would be blessed through him Abraham believed, obeyed and went.  His faith led him to action.  This would later lead to Jesus!
  • Our faith is living. Faith workes together with action therefore faith without action is dead. 
  • Faith is made complete by what we do, by our obedience. Obedience to God through Christ.
  • We are justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ and what he did on the cross, we gain access by faith into this grace.
  • Our faith is a faith that can grow.
  • Romans 10:17, John 8:24, John 20:30-31, Hebrews 11:6, Genesis 6:9-7:5, Genesis 12:1-4, Matthew 1:2, Luke 3:34, James 2:20-26, Romans 5:1-2. 2 Thessalonians 1:3


  • Baptism is our faith response to the gospel message.
  • We are called to repent and be baptized.
  • Baptism is where you wash your sins away and call on Christ name
  • Baptism is where we clothe ourselves in Christ
  • Baptism into Christ is where we are burried into his death, fully immersed into water, and just as He was raised from the dead so we are raised out of the water to a new life.
  • Jesus saves us through baptism into water as a pledge of a good conscience toward God
  • Jesus comanded us to go make disciples and baptize them in the naae of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and to teach them to obey everything he taught.
  • Acts 2:41,Acts 2:37-39,Acts 22:10-16,Galatians 3:27, Romans 6:1-7, 1 Peter 3:21-22,Matthew 28:18-20
The Gospel of God's Grace
However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me, the task of testifying to the gospel of God's Grace- Paul [Acts 20:24]
  • Hear Acts 15:7, 1 Cor 15: 1-4

  • Believe Mark 15:15-16, John 8:24

  • Repent Acts 17:30, 2 Pet 3:9, Rom 2:3

  • Confess Rom. 10:9, Matt 10:32-33

  • Be Baptized Acts 2:38 & 22:16, Eph. 4:5

  • Go Make Disciples Matthew 28:18-20

  • Remain in Me John 15 

Our Salvation - Summary
This is your sub-headline

“SUMMARY: God’s plan of SALVATION” God’s plan of SALVATION consists of 7 major components: (1)Hear, (2) Believe/Faith, (3) Repent, (4) Confess/Commit to Lordship (5) Baptized (accept/receive Grace).  6) Remain 7) God Make Disciples

HEAR the message…Rm 10:17: and What message does God want us to hear?  The message of the cross as shared in John 3:16  But it’s not enough just to hear the message Believe the message;

Believe in Jesus & put our Faith in Him and His Word -We discussed what it really means to believe. Not just Intellectually, but in your  heart…Holding to Jesus’ teachings as it says in Jn 8:31-32  

Confess: The believer MUST confess that Jesus is LORD….Rom 10:9  What does that really mean to confess Jesus is Lord? Master…Lk 14:25-33 & you  give up everything in your heart to follow Him.  

Repent: We discussed what it means to repent in Acts 3:19 – To turn to God… to  stop sinning & do a 180 degree turn towards God and do His will;  So, if repentance is important, then what are we repenting of…and we defined  what Sin is and looked at several examples of sin in James 4:17 Sins of omission  and Galatians 5:19-21  We discussed what True Repentance looks like and that it produces godly sorrow 2 Cor 8-11 (godly sorrow) 

BAPTISM: Mt 28:18-20 Jesus commanded His followers to be baptized. Mark 16:16 Jesus connects belief and baptism for salvation confirming the  necessity of baptism in order to be saved.Romans 10:13 & Acts 2:21 Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be  saved. So, how does someone call on the name of the Lord?  Acts 22:16 a person call on the name of the Lord at baptism. It is also when  your sins are washed away (forgiven). Romans 6:1-7 Sharing/participation in the death, burial, resurrection of Christ John 3:1-7 Jesus said You Must Be Born Again…no one will see the KOG unless he is born of the Water and the Spirit. Baptism when you’re born of the water  and the spirit…is when you’re born again…new birth Acts 2:38 This is when your sins are "washed away" or forgiven. One receives  the grace of God and is saved at the point sin is forgiven. It is also when you  receive the gift of (the indwelling) Holy Spirit. 1 Peter 3:20-22 It saves you So, why is baptism important? 1) It was commanded by Jesus (2) This is when you  call on the name of the Lord (3) It is when your sins are washed away/forgiven  thus receiving God’s grace (4) This is when you receive the gift of God’s indwelling  Holy Spirit (5) This is the new birth…being Born Again of the water and the spirit  (6) This is the point when a person is saved There’s nothing magical about the water, but it is the humble obedience to God.


Go Make Disciples

SUMMARY: ALL 7 components are a part of God’s plan of salvation and are  necessary to be saved. If either is missing, then I want to encourage you to talk to  me and we will look at scripture to help you take the steps you need to take so  that you can be confident/sure of your salvation in Christ! Amen!!